Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Avoid Animal Sacrifices in the Temples of Nepal

How can we be respectful in the temples when we visit them?

1. By regulating a darshan-line, first come first serve basis for the Adults
2. Providing a separate line to the disabled, elderly individuals and the ladies with children and others exceptions
3. Allocating time intervals for a certain society members such as Sanyasis, Yogis and Sadhus.
4. Debate on the strong points of the cause and repect everyones view as well. Do not kill each other in the name of this peaceful praying and animal saving effort!!

Temple Sacrifices:
3. Not sacrificing Animals in the peripheri of temples and around.
4. Not allowing the blood to be poured in the 'murti' - statue itself. That will make the temple dirty, un-higinec and digrade the 'swaroop' of the idol itself.
5. Discouraging people to not to do 'bali-pratha'. So many bad/adverse consequesces that may create to children,pregnant woman and elderly individuals.
6. Killing is like smoking in public, there is always a chance of second-hand consumption of bad habits.

Legal Aspects:
1. Immediately create a law to protect 'Animal Sacrifices' in the public.
Making it illigal would help and recognize the social aspects of a well being of a functional society.
2. Allow certain time in the temple for all different kinds of believers. There are Vaisnav, Shakti upashak, Shaiva upashak who do not belive in killing. It shows the feudal system still applies in the temple. Break the barrier otherwise half of the people would not even participate in temple darshanam.
3. Take examples from certain South Indian temples and how the pilgrims/devotees are not allowed to touch the idols rather all the sacrifices (monitory, flowers, coconuts) are all done in a certain specific place.
4. Politically it is seen that the violence need to come to an end. Ending violence, extorsion and intimidation starts from home and temples. Nepal is a country where temples and houses are equal in numbers. The root cause of the violence in Nepal today is the discipline that we grow in. The temples are the places where there has to be a regulated laws - where people are not allowed to sacrifice and animals such as Lumbini, Pasupatinath, Muktinath, Swambhunath etc..even Devi-tirtha for certain days or time to begin with. Let us give it a try.
5. Ethical/Phycologic: There are certain animals in Nepal where they are treated as pets and they grow in the farm and houses. At least they are better than the poultry animals but still some personal affection will be built during their stay and children are affected when the animal are sacriiced in the same house in front of them.
6. At least avoid sacrificing in front of the children, pregnant woman, sadhus, elderly citizen.


1. There are certain ignorant believers or the sect of people who still believe on killing and sacrificing would give them prosperity, well health and better spiritual life. The very tantric Mandala(circular palace of god's kingdom)-believed by both Hindus, Buddhits, Newars is the gate to the paradise. Bodhisatwa/Abalokiteswar are the universal connecting points and forces. Shiva is the protectors of all the animals and so is the Buddhaatma. Educate the pilgrims on the way and lead them towards proper way of community and connectedness theories and proper values.
2. Even great tantrik like 'Gubhajoo' used his leg as a log to prove mystical power. Some time before canibbalism were also a part of certain society but now no longer practiced in the world. How politically correct a person need to be by allowing other individual to participate in the community building nor separating them out!
3. Every creature is special and creative and unique. Preserve them, help them preserved. Affection to animal make us live longer and better.
4. Preserve them from being extict. People when practice killing, generally do not know how to tolerate killing other animals too. Rhinos, Dolphins, Crocodiles, Deers, Tigers, Danphe, Ghorals are very bad examples in Nepal are getting nearly into extinction.


Receive help from every sources:
1. There are certain Churches in the world who believe in non-violence
2. Sanatana organizations Iscon, Certain Buddhits, Vaisnavs, Krishna Pranami, Marbadis are very strict on their diet and healthy eating and preaching - get help from them to cultivate a culture to restpect fellow nepalese to educate on these sentiments.
3. Tell, educate people about the usefulness of Sheep wool, Yak milk and other great products that they can produce. Economically farming for such products will be better than sacrificing to begin with. Questions may arise then - what may happen to the poor people who sell chickens, eggs next to the temples. We can always ask them to help cultivate farming, help them grow their business by preserving them. Teach them not only how to fish but improve better fish farming in the lakes and rivers.

Show and tell, Movies
1. Advocate on students, volunteers, church fellowmen, bhajan tolis on Animal protection. Spiritual and preaching against violence.
2. Encourage Healthy eating - more green and 'satwik-bhojan and bhajan'
3. Ecological Aspect of preserving animals and temple is the worst place to teach children.
4. There were even great western sciences who lead vegetarian lives and loved animals to their heart -
Albert Einstein,Charles Darwin,Leonardo DaVinci,Ralph Waldo Emerson, Plato,Socrates,
Voltaire,Gandhi,Henry David Thoreau, Nikola Tesla,Sir Issac Newton

Support the cause, become an Activist:

1. Boycott the temples where they allow animal sacrifices- this way pundits, pujaries will feel the concern and will be educated better first
2. Provide banners, advertisements, scholarships for the children who keep the promises and help others to make temples free of animal sacrifice.
3. All pray together in certain temples on certain days/morning/bhajan/sangeet yatra and educate people on such

Support great personalities
1. Nepali Baba is a well known figure who does his skilled temple pooja and sponcer some in Devi-Peetha such as 'Dakchin Kali' and invite all the relatives, friends and family to see them. they are such a great flowers, vegetable offerings and look so beauiful that you don't feel like doing any bad 'pratha'
2. Once in a while do a bhajan-lahari in each sahkti pitha- invite great singers, musician and perform spiritual contests and dominate the scene by non-violence sangit. Invite Ani Choying Dolma as a chief guest and she will change the enviroment.
3. Start a petting zoo and make more money from the business men/women by keeping them forever.
4. Write articles, send me any links about supporting ideas and the most important thing is -
5. Be a spiritual example, be healthy in action, words, thoughts and mind. Know the facts about what you put into your body. What you believe and pray is what you become, what you eat is what you are !